Chittagong To Comilla Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Chittagong To Comilla Train Schedule & Ticket Price :
If you need to travel from Chittagong to Comilla, you can select a train as a substitute for other public transport comfortable journeys. Right here, we’ve included all crucial info on your journey together with Chittagong to Comilla train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up to date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh Railway.
Traveling from Chittagong to Comilla is very convenient. Comilla can be reached from Chittagong very fast due to the improved service. If you are very busy and do not have time to go out, you can book tickets at home. I will try to inform you about the rules for booking tickets online. So that you can benefit.
The road has four Intercity trains. They take an average time of 3 hours to cover this journey. train ticket price is mass lower than other public transport so I think it changed from Chittagong to Comilla is better in all respect.
Chittagong To Comilla Distance:
The journey Distance from Chittagong to Comilla is only 147 km. we’ve included all crucial info on your journey together with Chittagong to Comilla train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up-to-date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh Railway.
Train Schedule
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Mahanagor provati (704) | 11:07 | 13:50 | No |
Paharika express (720) | 16:32 | 19:35 | Saturday |
Mahanagor express (722) | 01:47 | 04:50 | Sunday |
Udayan express (724) | 03:07 | 06:00 | Sunday |
Turna express (742) | 03:20 | 06:20 | No |
Bijoy express (786) | 02:36 | 05:50 | Tuesday |
rain Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Chittagong mail (02) | 04:00 | 07:25 | No |
Karnafuli express (04) | 14:20 | 18:00 | No |
Jalalabad express (14) | 7:37 | 12:10 | No |
Mymensingh express (38) | 15:46 | 21:05 | No |
Chattala express (68) | 19:59 | 20:30 | Tuesday |
Laksam commuter (80) | 05:30 | 08:30 | Saturday |
Ticket Price :
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shuvon | 145 TAKA |
Shuvon Chair | 170 TAKA |
First Seat | 230 TAKA |
First Berth | 340 TAKA |
Snigdha | 328 TAKA |
AC | 391 TAKA |
Ac Berth | 587 TAKA |