
Days of the week in Spanish 2024

Days of the week in Spanish full details. The Spanish language is an important language across the world. To get higher study one must have some knowledge in Spanish. One may gather knowledge about the Spanish language by learning the days of the week. It can also help them to get some information about the Spanish language.

The 7 days of the Spanish week are named by the Romans. The words are coming from Latin. The Roman people noticed an ultimate connection in their believed God and the stars. They saw that the stars serially appear in the sky on every fixed day. So the fixed day was named by the appearing star or planet.

Days of the week in Spanish

 In the Spanish, the days of the week are lunes (Monday), Martes (Tuesday), miercoles (Wednesday), Jueves (Thursday), Viernes (Friday), Sabado (Saturday), Domingo (Sunday). These names come from the Gods. The Romans named the planet first according to the Gods. The name of the week came later. The roman astrologers named the discovered planet following their respected Gods. Sun, Moon, Mars (Ares), Mercury (Hermes), Jupiter (Zeus), Venus (Aphrodite) and Saturn (Croons) are mainly the name of Roman Gods. All the names of the week in Spanish starts with the small alphabet. Another thing is all the names of Spanish week are masculine words.

In Spain, the week starts on Spanish, it is said lunes. This day named after the Goddess of the moon. She is thought to be the Goddess of love and fertility. As it is the first day of the week in Spain, reflexed a busy day. All the branches of government and private work sectors run on full speed. The Spanish Monday cannot be translated into English. Martes referred to Tuesday in Spain. It was recognized as the symbol of mars. The second day of the Spanish week is mates.

Days of the week in Spanish

The Spanish people arrange a procession called ‘’Holy week’’. It is a tradition of their religion. In Spain, Easter week is also celebrated with religious prospectus. It brings sorrow in one hand and happiness on the other. Because it is both the day of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection day.

Wednesday is miercoles in Spain. It is the middle working day in Spain. The Christians in Spain dedicated a Wednesday to their culture. It is called ‘’Ash Wednesday.’’ It is celebrated as the first lent day for Christians worldwide. They observe the beginning of a religious ceremony of 40 days fasting on this day. Meirocoles is named after their tread God ‘’Hermes’’. He is the son of Zeus and Maia in Roman mythology. Miercoles is also the symbol of Mercury planet. 

The Days of the week in Spanish

jueves (Thursday) is the fourth day of Spanish week. Spanish Christians remember this day as the ‘’Maundy Thursday.’’ According to the history found in Christians culture, it is the ‘’Eucharist’’. It is supposed to the public holiday in Spain. It is a holiday in other Christian countries too. The historical constitution day of Spain will be held Jueves next year.

viernes which is Friday in Spain is more famous as Good Friday. It is the day after the Maundy Thursday for Christians. It remembers the passion, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated with lots of religious formalities in Spain. It was celebrated on 19 April this year. It is a national holiday in Spain. 

Days of the week in Spanish

It is one of the biggest occasions before Easter Sunday. It is celebrated once in a year. All the churches in Spain are decorated nicely to observe this day. People observe fasting and praying on this day. Saturday in Spain is a symbol of Saturn planet. The Spanish people call it the day of Conos. There is a football player in Cadiz CF B(Spanish club) named Saturday Keigo Erimuiya. Saturday Rentals is a famous unique combo of holiday homes in Spain. It offers its guests holiday homes with an amazing view of nature. An American late-night live television show was launched in Spain on October 11, 1975. 

It was a famous historical event in Spain and named Saturday Night Live (SNL). As Saturday night is the night before the rest day, people in general visit many places in Spain. They mostly visit the Reina Sofia Museum, the concert held at Madrid’s National Auditorium, Alcala Street, and the flamenco bar, the oldest cocktail bar, etc. it brings happiness to the Spanish.

Sunday is the closing time in Spain. Even the shops and supermarkets remain closed on Sunday. Except for the market located in La Latina stays open on Sunday.

7 days of the week in Spanish

 It remains open from 9 am to 3 pm on Sunday. In Madrid, people enjoy most on a Sunday. They enjoy the city outing trips, picnic, local eating, etc on Sunday. Sunday is the day for the Spanish to eat together with their loveable. Spanish people established may coking clubs to cook and eat together. Sunday is enjoyed by the siesta culture of Spain. In order to the culture, there is Spanish Sundays Bottomless Brunch at Pata Negra. Palm Sunday is celebrated in Spain. It is believed as the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is not a public holiday in Spain. It is observed with some religious events among Christians. 

The days of the week in Spain are an anomaly. The history is much or less as same as the other countries. It shows interest to the foreigner. I hope you are all guys understand 7 Days of the week in Spanish. And all of you also knows Days of the week in Spanish whole information.

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